Simply Filipina

Have the passion of cooking, she's sharing you the goodness and deliciousness recipes from her KUSINA to your KUSINA! Or from my Kitchen to your Kitchen that will cost less yet very comforting that the entire family would enjoy! It's all about GOOD FOOD and more!!!

This is really famous dessert in the Philippines as what we called it minatamis na balanghuy sa gata or in English sweet cassava with coconut milk. Very yummy indeed! After 6 years of deprivation i had it today and taste it again! Got the stuff at the world market 2 weeks ago. So good and feels like home kinda way for me! lol.

Here how:

2-3 medium size cut cassava roots peeled and cleaned
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup water
1/2 cup coconut milk

Just put all the ingredients on a pot and let it boil until the liquid evaporate and thick. Serve warm.

Enjoy Cooking.