Simply Filipina

Have the passion of cooking, she's sharing you the goodness and deliciousness recipes from her KUSINA to your KUSINA! Or from my Kitchen to your Kitchen that will cost less yet very comforting that the entire family would enjoy! It's all about GOOD FOOD and more!!!

There was a time when it was not. The little man tends to be pickier than the little girl when it comes to food. He was I think 4 years old when he will only eat pizza and nothing else. I was problematic back then because we know very well the importance of a balance diet for a growing child. I tried several ways to make meal time fun time and one very effective helper is Funbites!

As the name suggest, Funbites makes food fun in the sense that we moms can create fun shapes to make the food appear child-friendly. This ‘cube-it’ I have here, creates beautiful bite-size mini cubes perfect for fruits, sandwiches and even vegetables. In their plate we can arrange them in shapes familiar to our kids like a smiley face perhaps, we just need to be a little creative.

Meal time then became fun time and it was such a happy sight for a mother to look at her kids enjoying their meals. I must admit I do enjoy funky looking food bits in my plate as well, they’re such eye-candies which makes you want to munch them all! For me, i loved the miniature dolce de leche chocolate cake squares finger food style that i baked! If your child is a finicky eater, Funbites can really help you make hearty, happy meals for your child. So check them out and Shop FunBites!Winks!