Simply Filipina

Have the passion of cooking, she's sharing you the goodness and deliciousness recipes from her KUSINA to your KUSINA! Or from my Kitchen to your Kitchen that will cost less yet very comforting that the entire family would enjoy! It's all about GOOD FOOD and more!!!

Have you ever tried participating in an auction or bidding? I did! At first I was hesitant thinking it's quite impossible to win something so nice at a very low price. Thought it's just a waste of time and will end up frustrated. But then I gave it a try. My first winning was a beautiful ring, originally around 200 bucks, but had it at only $15! Cool isn't it? Dunno but I mostly bid on jewelries. Now am thinking of giving it a try again. Going for an iPad this time, lol! There's actually a way to somehow make sure win an item. That's buying bid packs. What's that? Well you have to buy bids in order to bid. So bidrack is the place to buy those credits. The nice thing about them is they guarantee you to win at least one action. If you don't, they will return your lost bids to make sure it's fair.

It's really fun winning an auction. The fact that you get something in much lower price is an achievement, lol! But of course we should be careful too in doing bids for sometimes it can be addicting. But I'll try my luck sometime soon. Hoping to have that iPad so bad! How about you? What is it you wanna buy for an extreme discount?