Simply Filipina

Have the passion of cooking, she's sharing you the goodness and deliciousness recipes from her KUSINA to your KUSINA! Or from my Kitchen to your Kitchen that will cost less yet very comforting that the entire family would enjoy! It's all about GOOD FOOD and more!!!

I’m not fond of peanut butter but we can’t run out of it since the husband is such a fan! He can finish a bottle in one sitting and just like him the little man loves PB too! They love it in their cookies, sandwiches, and bananas and since I like to give them kinds of snacks, I am now including peanut butter into some of my dishes and breads. I must say it’s really good and I am becoming a peanut butter fan myself. But then again, the main reason I don’t like it is that I tend to have pimples, am not saying it’s the cause but it’s what happens when I get to have my share of peanut butter.

Untill recently, I stumbled upon Wow Butter “Taste Just Like Peanut Butter!” It’s the only peanut butter replacement in the world that taste, feel, and looks like the real thing! It has a creamy texture but it’s made in 100% peanut free, gluten-free, nut free, egg free, and dairy free facility. It has no added colours, flavours and preservatives and most importantly it’s made with all natural, NON GMO ingredients.
I love making the peanut butter filled donuts either i made the dough by scratch or a store bought biscuit dough (Pillsbury). Pretty simple, prepare the biscuit and heat oil for deep frying. Then toss the dough, wait until golden brown and drain the excess oil. Cool. Then start preparing the delicious peanut butter sauce and you can use the WOWButter this time it doesn't make any difference. My son said "wow its peanut butter! YUMMY" lol. 

For the peanut butter sauce filling: 
  • 1/4 cup heavy whip cream 
  • 2 egg yolks 
  • 4 tbsp white sugar 
  • 1/2 cup evaporated milk 
  • half tsp vanilla extract 
  • 3-4 tbsp WOW BUTTER 
  • 1/4 cup crash peanuts (optional)
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Disclaimer: Product(s) received for FREE, contents are mine 100% and I am not paid or any compensation to give my honest opinion.


this is actually the 4th or the 5th time i read about this peanut butter brand, i also would like to have a taste of it as I love peanut butter too, luckily I have no allergies to peanuts :)

I am a PB fun myself that I can use it even in a hot rotti for indian or chinese bing but your no peanut peanut butters sounds interesting. :)

I really have a sweet tooth, so every post relating to sweets just make me happy. :) Obviously, I love PB too! :D Thanks for that recipe! Imma try that sometime.

I love PBJ too! And even my kid loves this for breakfast and snack time :)

I admire you making your dough out of scratch. I am not good in baking. But this peanut butter sounds like a good ingredient.

I love WowButter, my husband started to like it too.

Oh wow! Homemade donuts! I'd sure love to try making them for my kids. Will try your recipe for the peanut butter cream but I'd have to use the regular PB coz Wow isn't available here yet. :-)

that's really interesting and good for those who doesn't eat peanuts.

Looks yummy! I have not tried that kind of peanut butter yet, it will be good for those who are allergic to nuts.

It is nice that your family likes it. I like Peanut Butter and no allergic reaction to it. My little likes it too, but my boy is not. I think my man has come to like the WOWButter. Looks like your donuts taste good.