Simply Filipina

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Guest post written by Catherine Gillman

I seriously don't get why people will just go and buy all new textbooks every semester. It's such a waste of money, but so many people do it that stores get away with doing that. I don't fall for that though, not even for my first ever semester of college. i don't really go into bookstores to buy books either. Instead, I do a lot of online shopping for them. It has to be a pretty remarkable deal for me to take the time to go and buy it in a bookstore.

I was actually looking up some of my textbooks for my semester about two or three weeks ago, when I ran across the website GETCLEARWIRELESSINTERNET.COM. Ocne I looked through it some, I forwarded it to my roommates and we made the decision to change over our home internet service to oen of hte plans on there.

I actually pulled off getting most of my textbooks from one website, so paying shipping wasn't that bad at all because I bought enough and qualified for free shipping. Taking that extra time to do some online shopping can really make a difference.