Simply Filipina

Have the passion of cooking, she's sharing you the goodness and deliciousness recipes from her KUSINA to your KUSINA! Or from my Kitchen to your Kitchen that will cost less yet very comforting that the entire family would enjoy! It's all about GOOD FOOD and more!!!

Mommy jerla tagged me this cute and funny yet somewhat true tag for mothers! this is what Spa's all about for us mommies! lol

If going to the spa is beyond your budget, try at-home
treatments…These are more than spa.
::: Aromatherapy :::::: Eyebrow Threading ::

::: Microdermabrasion :::
::: Body Wrap :::
::: Blowout :::

I'm Tagging all mommies in the house please just grab it if you feels like!!


hahaha..that was funny pic

I love this tag's so true. Anyway I have a tag for you -->HERE.Enjoy your day