I’m not a big fan of jelly candies but I guess those days were gone. I love it now as much as the kids do, in fact we are so happy to received handfuls from the ever friendly company
Candy Galaxy. I was browsing their site and was literally confused on what to choose but ended up following my heart, and it says to go for the
Jelly Belly Very Cherry. These bean-shaped, fresh and delightful chewy treat is so red! I mean, it’s intense like red but subtle like jelly. Well thank goodness I had this candy holder stored in the pantry finally put to used. The kids love it and basically can’t have enough, although I only allow them to have not more than 5-10 jellies a day, LOL!
By the way, Candy Galaxy has the widest collection of candies in the entire universe! You can choose from different assortments, shapes, colors, flavors, name it! Their
colored candy treats are such eye-candies which would make any kid and even those kids at heart so happy. And of course what I like most about them is that they won’t hurt your pocket. A handful of candies to share with family and friends is cool and sweet. I’m sending some to the family in the Philippines and I bet they’ll enjoy it!