Simply Filipina

Have the passion of cooking, she's sharing you the goodness and deliciousness recipes from her KUSINA to your KUSINA! Or from my Kitchen to your Kitchen that will cost less yet very comforting that the entire family would enjoy! It's all about GOOD FOOD and more!!!

Chobani Greek yogurt? I have to say it’s simply the best! Let me tell you why. Yogurt as we know has this tart flavor and a pudding-like texture which I found quite weird before, so I wasn't really a fan. But then when I came here in the U.S, the husband loves yogurt and somehow managed to change my mind about it. Well it wasn't really hard to have a change of heart because the health benefits of yogurt such a winner!

So yes, we made sure to have yogurt in the fridge all the time and we have our favorites. But then again Chobani came and now we’re hooked! Chobani Greek yogurt has a variety of winning flavors- peach, strawberries, blueberries, apple cinnamon, honey, vanilla, just to name a few. My thing though would be the likable mango. I miss this fruit so much so it feels like home when I get to taste real chunks of mangoes combined with a healthy, low fat yogurt. The husband made them his breakfast and I can see he’s so happy with it. The kids too are all smiles while having their cup of Chobani yogurt strawberry for the lil girl and pineapple for the lil man there you go!, well they can have as much as they want, it’s yogurt anyway! If you love yogurt and haven’t grab Chobani yet, you’d better!


thanks for sharing sis! I've had some bowel problems when I came to the US also and yogurt helped me overcome it. But I haven't tried this brand yet. Did you review it for the company? Can you share the contact info?Thanks in advance! just shoot me an email


I am not a yogurt fan but when i tried Chobani, things have changed. :)

Looks really good, I will try some.

everyone seems to love this yogurt. i hope i could try too

I love this yogurt! I love the mango and pineapple flavor!

yumyum! look how happy they looked :) they must have loved this yogurt that much

Nice review! I wish to receive this for review too :-)

awwwwww...look at those 2 cuties enjoying the yogurt.

My kids love it and even myself likes the pineapple and mango...

yay! congrats on the Chobani yogurt Momi :-) They are indeed! delicious and healthy snacks for the kids :-)

i love chobani yogurt! and so does my kids! we are lucky that they sand us some samples for review. i will definitely look it up in our local store