Simply Filipina

Have the passion of cooking, she's sharing you the goodness and deliciousness recipes from her KUSINA to your KUSINA! Or from my Kitchen to your Kitchen that will cost less yet very comforting that the entire family would enjoy! It's all about GOOD FOOD and more!!!

Are you familiar of Resveratrol yet? This is a supplements that has been speculated to cure cancer cell in your body. But this is the first time it will be tested publicly, a man tested this to his dog that has cancer and he mentioned that it works for his dog. But how about for man that has only months to live do this resveratrol can help? I was reading on a resveratrol forum about members are joining in to provide one of their own who has less than 4 moths to live, a large supply of resveratrol for him to try mega-dosing the cancer out of his body. For more story about this resveratrol issue just visit the forum at and you can read all the post and comment about it. Maybe it could help us also.