As far as I could remember when i was growing up is that, I am not fond of this wonder vegetable at all. Monringa or we called it in my native dialect as Malungay and is very common to our household. My dad's favorite he can have them everyday! He believes the healthy benefits of the leaves! He keeps reminding us when we were kids and wanted us to continue eating as we grown old. The tree itself called as horseradish. I know it is very famous in the Philippines. Anyway, this tree unfortunately is I used to take it for granted. I remembered how my grandma fixed it also my mom, and dad's favorite cooking is the LAW-OY way or sak-sak sinakol. Haha, in-short there's nothing special but a mix of water, fish (not necessary) slice tomatoes, chop green onions, some garlic for aromatic effect, salt to taste, few other veges such eggplants or string beans and the famous Monringa. Just simmer it until everything is cooked.
So therefore, right now I realized how much I took it for granted. Once in a while I wanted to have those malunggay in my plate whatever way I could fix them. Gladly we move to FL, now the weather is more on tropical sides. So we planted some trees and they're blooming like crazy, this was my first harvest and first taste since I came here to US seven years ago! Right now, I would never take this for granted and the nutritional benefits of the vegetable is unbeatable which is the important!