Simply Filipina

Have the passion of cooking, she's sharing you the goodness and deliciousness recipes from her KUSINA to your KUSINA! Or from my Kitchen to your Kitchen that will cost less yet very comforting that the entire family would enjoy! It's all about GOOD FOOD and more!!!

Okay so I’m sucker of chips and anything crunchy. Lately though I tried to cut back on chips because, why, needless to say. But then I kinda missed it especially now that I’ve been working with a lot of carbs and sweets for my breads and desserts. I wanted some filler and chips are just right. But then again, I also wanted to try something new so I search, yes I did, for a snack that will pass my taste and still be healthy. Look what I’ve got, my more than a share of Apple Straw multi-grain snack from Sensible Portions! I'm grateful to received some samples from the company. My daughter just loved the stuff! Munching while watching her favorite shows, lol.

This crunchy snacks taste a lot like apples seasoned with cinnamon. It’s not too sweet though but has a combination of saltiness, just right for your taste buds. It melts in the mouth and better yet, it’s healthy. It actually reminds me of my favorite childhood snack, the one I always bought everyday from school. So glad I found something like it around here. Anyway, you can grab your bag of Sensible Portions Apple Straws Snack anytime at Walmart, Pubix, etc. I just love my portion here! Take note they have quite a few of varieties to choose from! Talking about 8 kinds of enjoyable bites, huh! I wanna try some of the other flavors as well when i go to the grocery stores definitely will grab one. Check them on Facebook and Twitter for newest updates.

Disclaimer - Product(s) received for FREE, contents are mine 100% and I am not paid to give my honest opinion.


Looks like a fun snack to have especially during TV time..

grrr.. the word verification always kicks my butt wahhh. I wish you would consider removing it..

I love apples, I might try this one, maybe my kids would love it too. I always like snacking while watching on Netflix or dramafever, thanks for sharing this.

Those are delicious! my kids love those snack!!!

Wow! Mami, it not only looks really yummy but like what you described, it's healthy, too. I love chips as well, but I don't overindulged.

Will check them out now! Thanks for sharing!

i can imagine how crunchy that is. of course it must taste good because of the cinnamon and plus it's made from apple too. tasty snacks indeed

wow, I would love to try this mami...great review! thanks for sharing...:)

This is perfect for picnics and while watching TV at home. Looks healthy too than normal curls and chips in the market.

I love eating snacks with delicious taste and at the same time it's also healthy. It's good that this is made of multigrain.

Cinnamon is my favorite spice. Yummy plus healthy is a big smile for us, mommies. {what a rhyme. lol}

This is the first time I heard about this product. Hope to bump into it soon.

this is my first time to hear about this product, i also hate too sweet foods, this one looks promising.

Munching on chips is what I like best most especially, when I'm watching my favorite shows.

I hope I can try this product too. The taste of apple and cinnamon combined makes me so excited to give this a shot.

this one looks deli, hope to taste this soon

Looks like a healthy snack and great portioning too!