Have you ever try to season your fruit salad with salt? I am avoiding sweets and sugary stuff since i started my diet plan back last January of 2013. Since then i am more into healthier stuff. As you all know i am into smoothies as well, most of my morning starter. I use my NutriBullet helper to fix my family and I a healthy breakfast. Using our favorite fruits and mix them with green leafy vegetables like spinach, cucumber, arugula and more.
Anyway, I was letting my self pig out on the weekend sometimes, lol. So i make sure to back it up with fruits during weekdays which is most likely my schedules are busy! So these are my lunch salted fruit salad. I slice and mix assorted berries such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, then toast some grapes, some watermelon slices and of course oranges. Then dash of salt here and there plus a squeezed of fresh orange too! Delish and very refreshing! Try it, you will definitely love it! Wink!
You need:
6-7 pieces strawberry
a handful of blueberries
a handful of raspberries
a handful of grapes
1 cup watermelon slice
1-2 big oranges
In a deep serving dish, Slice the fruits that needs to be cut. Then toast them altogether, stir and season it with salt to taste. Squeezed one fresh orange and stir. Serve cool.