Jenn's Blah Blah Blog and Pink Ninja Media! have another fabulous FREE Blogger Opportunity! Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to grow your readership and give your fans something fabulous to win!
SodaSteam Fountain Jet
Fountain Jet – winner’s choice of color (black/silver, red silver or white)
- 1 carbonating bottle, reusable for up to 3 years
- Reusable carbonator to fizz up to 60L of soda
- Variety 6-pack of popular sample-size flavors
- 3 full-sized flavors of the winner’s choice
If you choose to join us for this wonderful giveaway you MUST post a promotional blog post or send $5 to via PayPal. Open to US residents only. If you're not a blog owner, the fee to join in $50.
Bloggers get a FREE Facebook, additional links only $2, daily votes $3! Co-host spots available! All bloggers that pay for their links will be moved up on the Rafflecopter
Hurry and Join this FREE Blogger Opportunity!