These are some of my all time favorite Filipino kakanin or native pinoy delicacies. Every now and then we crave this decadent pinoy snacks and most of us living here in the States we find our selves making this stuff in the comfort of our home. One thing i miss Philippines is our delicious and varieties of food! Nothing compares and couldn't say more that we truly have the delicious food you could have. Foodies that are inviting and versatile, you won't get tired craving and enjoy eating them.
These Filipino native delicacies typically made of sweet rice, coconut milk, brown/white sugar, rice flours, eggs, and milk. Such things like biko, ginataan, the chikalang, they're all made of this delicate sticky rice accompanied of course with sugary ingredients. I must admit these are my weakness ever since i could remember! Growing up, waiting to manang tindera outside when she starts hollering her baskets full of kakanin.
Since i am away from home (PH) i make sure our native delicacies are introduced to my family here in abroad. Some they love to eat, some as well they don't bother, lol. However, for me they're all the best food I've ever eaten! Hands down to that!
How about you what's your favorite kakanin?